A pop-up nature exhibit

EXPLORE is a hands-on science exhibit that brings the exploration of urban nature to the streets. Elements include:
- a custom-designed cart and benches for seating;
- specimens to explore, including rocks, feathers, bones, moss, water samples, and more;
- a nature-sounds listening station;
- microscopes and magnifying glasses;
- water-color pencils, brushes, and instructions about techniques of biological drawing;
- a nature rubbing activity;
- science books to read;
- staff, volunteers, and educators to facilitate.
Help bring this program to more neighborhoods
Blog posts about EXPLORE:
EXPLORE lands at Union Square Park
Today, our pop-up science exhibit EXPLORE returned to Union Square Park to support "It's My Park Day," a celebration of nature, sustainability, and Union Square Park. Thanks to our partners today, including Washington Square Eco Projects and Barnes and Noble (who...
READ and EXPLORE on Woodside Ave with Drag Queen Story Hour
Our pop-up reading room and urban nature exhibit returned to Woodside Ave to help celebrate Songkran (Thai New Year) at a terrific Weekend Walk hosted by Thai Community USA NYC / Qi Will. People held birds from Washington Square Park Eco Projects, and the amazing...
Our 2019 partnership with NYC DOT gets underway in East Village
In 2019, our collaboration with NYC Department of Transportation will keep expanding, as we work together to activate plazas, street festivals, and other public spaces and encourage residents to come together on neighborhood streets. This weekend, we kicked things off...